

Psoriasis services offered in Boise and Fruitland, ID


Psoriasis is a long-term skin disorder that can cause large areas of scaly, itchy, red skin to develop. If you find it difficult to manage this incurable condition, the highly skilled Idaho Skin Surgery Center team can help. At offices in Fruitland and Boise, Idaho, they provide the most advanced treatments for psoriasis to relieve discomfort and improve quality of life. To benefit from the team’s expertise, call Idaho Skin Surgery Center or book an appointment online today.

What is psoriasis?

Psoriasis is a condition where your skin develops red, scaly, itchy patches. These can appear anywhere but most often on the:

  • Knees
  • Elbows
  • Scalp
  • Lower back
  • Legs
  • Face

Psoriasis tends to come and go in cycles where it flares up for weeks or months and then improves. It can sometimes go into remission and clear up almost completely.

What symptoms does psoriasis cause?

Psoriasis affects people differently, but some common symptoms include having red skin patches with thick, silvery scales, burning or sore skin, dry and cracked skin that might bleed or itch, and thickened, ridged, or pitted nails.

Psoriasis patches are sometimes just small spots of scaling that look like dandruff. Plaque psoriasis — the most common form of the disease — causes a buildup of skin cells that form raised patches. The condition can worsen and affect large areas of your body. At its worst, psoriasis can be disabling.

You could also develop psoriatic arthritis, having swollen, stiff joints alongside skin problems.

What causes psoriasis?

Psoriasis seems to result from an immune system malfunction in which your skin regenerates more quickly than it should.

The reason for the immune system problem is unclear but likely to involve environmental and genetic factors. People prone to psoriasis often identify triggers that set off an attack, such as cold, dry weather, stress, and sunburn.

If you’re affected by psoriasis, Idaho Skin Surgery Center provides the most effective treatments for your condition.

How is psoriasis treated?

Psoriasis treatment aims to stop rapid skin cell growth and remove the scales. Initially, your dermatologist will likely prescribe topical therapies such as:

  • Ointments and other products containing corticosteroids
  • Calcipotriene and calcitriol vitamin D creams
  • Retinoid gel or cream
  • Calcineurin inhibitors
  • Biologic medications (e.g., adalimumab, ustekinumab, etc.)

Light therapy is a different approach to treating psoriasis. This treatment involves repeatedly exposing your skin to light for a set period.

UVB broadband or narrowband light therapy and excimer laser therapy are some options. Light therapies can also be more effective combined with medication, which is how photodynamic therapy works.

If your psoriasis is severe or not responding to topical treatments and light therapies, you might need to take oral medications or have injections of drugs like steroids, methotrexate, or cyclosporine.

Call Idaho Skin Surgery Center or schedule a consultation online today for effective relief of psoriasis symptoms.